Useful information & Contacts

Your contacts

For all questions, please send an email to:

Regis Josien Regis Josien
Director of Labex IGO
UMR 1064 Center for Research in Transplantation and Immunology


Laurence WOLFF
General delegate of Labex IGO
IRS-UN, 4ème étage 8, Quai Moncousu BP 70721 44007 Nantes Cedex 1
Tel: +33 2 28 08 02 44

Scientific communication & Event management
NExT I-Site, IRS2 - Nantes Biotech - Bureau 401, 22 Bd Benoni Goullin 44200 Nantes
Tel: +33 2 28 08 04 08 / +33 7 89 77 29 03

Giancarlo ESPEJO
Financial assistant
IRS-UN, 4ème étage 8, Quai Moncousu BP 70721 44007 Nantes Cedex 1
Tel: +33 2 28 08 02 01 (Mondays & Fridays)

How to quote Labex IGO in your publications

We remind you that, for all Labex IGO teams (whether or not the project to which the publication is related is funded by the Labex IGO), affiliation to the Labex IGO can (and should) be systematically indicated in the list of authors in the following form: Laboratory X (EA, INSERM, CNRS), LabEx IGO, University / Hospital Y, City, France. For publications resulting from projects funded by the Labex IGO (functionning, salary ...), the funding must be mentioned in the fundings: This work has been carried out thanks to the support of the LabEx IGO project (n° ANR-11-LABX-0016) funded by the «Investissements d’Avenir» French Government program, managed by the French National Research Agency (ANR)".
For publications from projects within the scope of Labex IGO but not funded by it, Labex IGO can be cited in the acknowledgments as follows: "This work was realized in the context of the LabEX IGO program supported by the National Research Agency through the investment of the future program ANR-11-LABX-0016".

A new visual identity for LabEx IGO

Click here to download LabEx IGO's new logo in High Definition:

If you would like to use some elements from LabEx IGO's new visual identity or if you need our new graphic charter guidelines, please contact
Mis à jour le 27 juin 2023.