Research centers

PARTNER 1 - Center for Research in Cancerology and Integrated Immunology Nantes/Angers (CRCI2NA)

6 teams from the CRCI2NA contribute to the LabEx IGO : team 1 (C. Blanquart & JF Fonteneau), team 2 (M. Chérel & F. Kraeber-Bodéré), team 4 (Y. Delneste, DR INSERM & P. Jeannin), team 7 (Philippe Juin), team 10 ( François Paris & Claire Pecqueur), and team 12 (E. Scotet).

The CRCI2NA (UMR 1307, personnel=327), in partnership with the clinical teams of Nantes and Angers University Hospital is an INSERM, CNRS and Nantes University joint research unit that combines fundamental, translational and clinical research. The research programs developed by the 6 teams implicated in the LabEx IGO aim at understanding the fundamental aspects of cellular immunity, whether on the innate side or the adaptive side, as well as the alterations of these responses in severe pathologies, namely certain solid tumors (ie, melanoma, colorectal cancer, mesothelioma, ovarian and brain cancers) and hematologic (ie, B cell malignancies) as well as infectious diseases induced by mycobacteria or viruses. Beyond basic information, these projects aim to propose innovative immunotherapeutic strategies, research programs that focus on the development of new radiopharmaceuticals and new methodologies for cancer therapy and the identification of targets involved in the tumor resistance of mature B cell-haematological diseases.

PARTNER 2 - Center for Research in Transplantation and Translational Immunology (CR2TI)

All 6 CR2TI teams contribute to the LabEx IGO: team 1 (E. Chiffoleau/R. Josien), team 2 (C. Guillonneau/J.Jullien), team 3 (G. Blancho/S.Limou), team 4 (S. Brouard/M.Giral), team 5 (L. Berthelot / D. Laplaud), and team 6 (Antoine Roquilly/Jeremie Poschmann).

The Center for Research in Transplantation and Translational Immunology (CR2TI, personnel=210) is a joint research unit (UMR 1064) affiliated to INSERM and Nantes Université and located at CHU Nantes and IRS2. They develop basic, translational and clinical research programs to improve knowledge, diagnosis and treatments in the context of organ and cell transplantation (Axis 1), inflammatory and autoimmune diseases (Axis 2) and infectious diseases (Axis 3). Their main goals are to: 1) Characterize the pathogenic or protective immune responses involved in these diseases in order to identify new therapeutic targets; 2) Transfer these advances to the clinic by developing new immunotherapeutic and diagnostic approaches; 3) Develop alternative strategies for the replacement or repair of organs / tissues through a better understanding of the developmental biology of cells and organisms (Axis 4). The CR2TI is made up of independent teams that bring together scientists and clinicians with complementary expertise in immunology, transplantation, autoimmunity, infectious diseases, nephrology, intensive care, developmental biology and genomics.

PARTNER 3 - MicrOenvironment and B-Cell: Immunopathology cell DIfferentiation and Cancer (MOBIDIC)

All 3 MOBIDIC teams contribute to the LabEx IGO: Tem 1 (T. Fest), Team 2 (K.Tarte), Team 3 (M. Cogné)
The MOBIDIC (UMR1236, personnel n=63) is a 3 team mixed structure associating the Rennes 1 University, INSERM and the Etablissement Français du Sang (EFS ; French Blood Agency).
Strongly relying on the University Hospital of Rennes (CHU), the team research project focuses on the physiopathology of B lymphomas based on translational and basic research approaches with specific interests for: i) Understanding the mechanisms (genetic/epigenetic/signaling pathways) of normal B-cell commitment toward plasma cell differentiation and its deregulation in lymphomagenesis; ii) Deciphering the bidirectional crosstalk between malignant B cells and their surrounding supportive niche including stromal cell, CD4pos T cell and myeloid cell subsets at the tissue (HD microscopy), cellular (functional assays, CYToF, flow cytometry) and molecular (genetic/epigenetic/single-cell) levels; iii) Identifying and validating prognostic and predictive biomarkers in lymphoma patient tumor and peripheral blood. For this reason, the UMR1236 unit is a member of the national Institut Carnot CALYM dedicated to the valorization of research in lymphomas ( In addition, the immunomonitoring lab, the SITI, has also developed a strong expertise in the monitoring of clinical trials based on the immunoregulatory properties of mesenchymal stromal cells (validated by the participation to the eCellFrance Infrastructure program,

PARTNER 4 - B Lymphocytes, Autoimmunity and Immunotherapies (LBAI)

The LBAI (UMR 1227, personnel n=43) is a single-team laboratory, associating Brest University and INSERM, that focuses its research projects on the study of B cell through two main axis: an axis dedicated to the understanding of the mechanisms that govern the functional orientation of B cells in autoimmunity, and a translational axis aiming at developing new tools to improve the efficiency of B-cell targeting immunotherapies, while working on a better stratification of patients, a better understanding of the mode of action of these therapies, and the development of these therapies and innovative therapeutic strategies. The UMR1227 has been involved in four European projects dedicated to the stratification of patients with autoimmune diseases (IMI PRECISESADS, H2020 HarmonicSS, IMI2 NECESSITY and IMI2 3TR)

PARTNER 5 - INCIT- Immunology and New Concepts in Immunotherapy

All 4 teams from INCIT contribute to the LabEx IGO : team 1 (F. Altare), team 2 (L. Boussemart & B. Dreno), team 3 (N. Labarriere) and team 4 (E. Marion).

The INCIT research Unit ( is based on a willingness to focus the scientific expertise in immunology and immunotherapy, in different pathological contexts : inflammation, cancer and infectious diseases.
In addition to this thematic coherence, what makes the great strength of our teams is their unique expertise and know-how in the development of immunotherapy protocols. Indeed, Team 2 carried out the first adoptive transfer trials of TIL in melanoma in Europe. Since this first trial, the optimization of these immunotherapy protocols has been the main concern of Teams 2 and 3, with the characterization of targets involved in immunosurveillance, which have led to new, increasingly refined adoptive transfer assays, such as the transfer of melanoma specific T-cell clones, or more recently the transfer of specific-T lymphocytes sorted according to an original procedure (MELSORT clinical trial).
The expertise acquired in the characterization of anti-tumor T responses has naturally led to the identification of new T-cell subpopulations, including regulatory T cells that may have implications in inflammatory pathologies other than cancer, such as chronic inflammation or infectious diseases. The study of such regulatory T populations, in the context of the projects developed by Team 1, on the regulation of granulomatous inflammatory responses (Crohn's disease, tuberculosis) has led to the identification of an original population of regulatory T-lymphocytes6, involved in the homeostasis process, with a strong therapeutic potential. The use of this population in immunotherapy protocols is under development, thanks to local expertise and facilitated by the involvement of local clinicians, and the support of UTCG and CIC ”Biothérapies”. In addition, the recent RHU program obtained by B. Dreno on skin regeneration also opens up therapeutic prospects for another inflammatory pathology studied by Team 4 (Buruli Ulcer), resulting in major inflammatory skin lesions.
Mis à jour le 27 juin 2023.