
Main objectives

1. Enroll excellent Master and PhD students in the expertise fields of LabEx IGO laboratories
2. Become experts in innovative technologies, confront the practices across LabEx IGO laboratories
3. Prepare our students to be actors of their future

Academic training

To promote high quality training, the LabEx IGO provides funding to support the organisation of hands-on trainings (purchase of reagents and small lab equipment). For instance, a bench-size flow cytometer has been purchased and can be easily moved to the classrooms. The training of M1/M2 students takes place at the different universities from the LabEx IGO network. External scientific speakers are invited to give lectures during the initial training of M2 students. LabEx IGO also provides a financial and logistic support for invited speakers, to give lectures that are open to all the scientific community of the LabEx IGO. Finally, Labex IGO supports the Roscoff workshop dedicated to immuno-oncology, which is co-organised by the Universities of Nantes, Angers and Rennes.


Funding for Master students
Excellent Master students have the unique opportunity to benefit from a 3-month training in one of the LabEx IGO teams. Selected students will be funded, including two months financially covered by the LabEx IGO.
You can view some 2023 defenses here: Travel expenses to international meetings
Being able to attend an international meeting is key in the development of young scientists (networking, presentation of the scientific knowledge gathered during a Labex IGO grant). Travel expenses can be covered by the LabEx IGO (the amount may vary according to the location of the meeting).

Intra-Labex workshop
Every year, LabEx IGO organises a scientific and social networking event during a 2-day workshop. The aim is to share knowledge obtained through LabEx IGO grants. A special attention is paid to offer the opportunity to the LabEx IGO youngest members to present their work.

Extensive hands-on training

Throughout the first year, PhD students will be trained in the core facilities available within the LabEx IGO consortium (flow cytometry, microscopy, production of recombinant proteins, genetic analysis, animal handling, gene cloning …). Our objective is to implement each core facility with high-tech equipment that would be partly dedicated to educational training. The LabEx IGO network will cover access fees, consumables and co‐funding of some devices. Training will be dispensed by the teaching personnel of the Universities (Medicine, Pharmacy and Science) in close collaboration with technical supervisors of the various core facilities. This extensive hands-on training should yield highly motivated students selected from M1 and M2.

Mutualised Immuno-Cancerology seminar for M2 students

From 2008, M2 students from Nantes and Rennes specializing in immunology and oncology are invited for a 2-day seminar each year. The objective of these meetings are to present the major research themes developed within our two Universities as well as the platforms of the Great West.
Since 2012, the seminars have been located outside of the two cities, to increase exchanges between the students and the researchers.
The last seminar was held at the Biological Station of Roscoff in October 2022. Guest researchers made presentations on 2 themes RNA and Cancer & Cytokines and anti-cytokine antibodies in therapy. The students were very happy to present their M2 internship topics. LabEx IGO provided funding for the organisation of this seminar.
The next edition will take place at the Paimpont biological station in October 2023.

GO Immuno meeting

The LabEx organised the GO Immuno meeting, aiming to gather excellent scientific speakers during a 2 day meeting. Students from LabEx IGO teams had a unique opportunity to present their work to a broad scientific audience.

The 2023 GO Immuno meeting was held on December 11th & 12th, 2023 in Nantes. For further information about the event, please visit the dedicated website.

People in charge of the Training workpackage:

Nicolas Degauque
Laetitia Gautreau-Rolland
And their colleagues : Patricia Amé-Thomas, Cédric Ménard, Céline Beauvillain, Michel Chérel, Nadine Gervois, Yannick Guilloux, Christophe Jamin , Régis Josien, Agnès Moreau Aubry, Xavier Saulquin & Karin Tarte

"Congrès Licence Sciences de la Vie (SV)"

The Labex IGO has been a partner of the Congrès Licence Sciences de la Vie (SV) since its creation 4 years ago. This meeting, organised by the students of Licence 3 SV and led by the ANESV association (Association Nantaise des Étudiants en Sciences de la Vie), traditionally includes conferences of invited speakers but also scientific presentations by L3 SV students, who have completed an internship during the year. A science dating event is also used to promote exchanges between students and researchers. Finally, internship offers are posted for Bachelor or Master students.

The 5th edition was organised by ANESV on April 21st, 2023  (programme of the congress):

Congrès SV

You can follow ANESV on their LinkedIn page.

Mis à jour le 23 janvier 2024.