Hyperion platform

The Hyperion platform (HYPE Research in Immunology and ONcology) was created in 2019 with the acquisition of a high flow, multiparametric, imaging mass cytometer, that can simultaneously measure the expression of more than 40 different biomarkers in a single biopsy.

It is located in the premises of the B Lymphocytes, Autoimmunity and Immunotherapies UMR1227 laboratory, within the Morvan hospital in Brest and offers a range of services focused on flow cytometry, cell sorting, classic or image mass cytometry

The staff of the platform have scientific and technical skills for projects studying all types of cells or tissues. The platform is open to the entire scientific community, public and private.

The LabEx IGO has participated in the financing of this device with 6 other financiers: the ERDF, INNOVEO (endowment fund of the Brest CHRU), the Brest CHRU, the Departmental Council of Finistère, Brest Métropole and INSERM.


Flow cytometry is a fast and precise technique for individual characterisation of isolated particles in suspension, entrained by a liquid flow (sheath) to a source of light excitation (laser). It also allows cell sorting at high speed, which consists of a physical separation of different sub-populations from a heterogeneous sample.

Mass cytometry CyTOF® uses rare metals conjugated with antibodies to analyse more than 50 different markers on the surface or in cells. This technology makes it possible to go beyond the limits of conventional flow cytometry, in particular for multi-labeling, the number of which is limited due to the spectral overlap of the fluorochromes.

Mass cytometry in images performed by the Hyperion is performed on tissue sections and no longer in flow, still using antibodies coupled to metals.

Know how

The platform staff have the scientific and technical skills for the project implementation from the preparation of samples to the analysis of data. They provide the necessary services and training.
The platform accepts all biological systems of class 1 or 2.
Its resources make it possible to characterise and separate populations of cells, prokaryotes as well as eukaryotes, or of particles (vesicles, nanoparticles, organelles ...) for basic and / or clinical research.


  • Immunophenotyping of biological samples (up to 13 fluorochromes and 50 metals).
  • Detection of membrane, intracellular (cytokines, phospho-proteins) and intranuclear molecules.
  • Study of apoptosis, cell cycle, cell proliferation.
  • Multiplex assay of cytokines, phospho-proteins.
  • Sorting of animal or plant cells, yeast, bacteria and nanoparticles
  • Analysis of tissue sections (included in paraffin or frozen) or of cells fixed on glass slides, analysis of the tumor microenvironment (up to 37 markers)
  • Cloning (sorting 1 cell / well)


The platform provides services for the scientific community and for manufacturers. Some systems are accessible to users wishing to be autonomous after training by platform staff. Access to the platform is subject to pricing.

Mis à jour le 07 septembre 2021.