LabEx IGO : 5-year renewal

Certified in 2012 as part of the PIA program, the LabEx Immunotherapy-Graft-Oncology (IGO) has just been extended for 5 years (2020-2024) following an evaluation by an international jury, based on its scientific results and the impact of its activities on the structuring of immunology teams in the French large-western region.

From January 1st 2020, Ignacio Anegon (CRTI) and Nathalie Labarrière (CRCINA), current scientific director and deputy scientific director of LabEx IGO, will be replaced by Emmanuel Scotet (CRCINA) and Régis Josien (CRTI). Composed of teams 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the UMR1064-CRTI Nantes, teams 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9 and 13 of UMR1232-CRCINA Nantes-Angers, UMR1236-MICMAC Rennes and of the UMR1227-LBAI Brest, the LabEx IGO 2020 will host two new teams: team 5 of UMR1232-CRCINA led by F. Altare "microbiota and cancer" and team 5 of UMR1064-CRTI led by PA Gourraud "Immunogenomics in transplantation and autoimmunity", strengthening the structuring effect of this program.

The LabEx IGO 2020 follows on from the programs developed between 2012 and 2019 and will focus on 3 specific research axes (Immune regulation and new therapeutic targets, Innovative immunotherapies and combined strategies, Immunological markers associated with therapeutic responses) in order to keep implementing ambitious and transdisciplinary collaborative projects in the areas of immuno-oncology, immuno-transplantation and autoimmunity.

The LabEx IGO 2020 also aims at promoting technological developments enabling high content analyses of the immune system 1) by imaging: acquisition of an Akoya CoDEX in Nantes (25 markers) and a Hyperion Fluidigm in Brest (50 markers) and 2) by cytometry: acquisition of a high-content analyser cytometer allowing the simultaneous analysis of more than 35 fluorescent markers in Nantes.
Mis à jour le 18 juin 2020.